Tuesday 30 September 2014

3 Rules for Turning Stress into Success

1. Accept the unchangeable. Everything that has happened in your life to this minute is unchangeable. It’s history. The greatest waste of energy is looking back at missed opportunities and lamenting past events.
Grudge collecting, getting even, harboring ill will and vengeful thinking do no good. Success is the only acceptable form of revenge.
By forgiving your trespassers—whoever or whatever they are—you become free to concentrate on going forward with your life and succeeding in spite of those detractors. You will live a rewarding and fulfilling life. Your enemies, on the other hand, will forever wonder how you went on to become so successful without them and in the shadow of their doubts.
Action idea: Write down on a sheet of paper things that happened in the past that bother you. Now crumple the paper into a ball and throw it. Really. This symbolizes letting go of past misfortunes.


2. Change the changeable. Change your reaction to what others say and do, and you can control your own thoughts and actions by dwelling on desired results instead of the penalties of failure.
The only real control you have in life is your immediate thought and action, and because most of what we do is a reflex—a subconscious habit—it’s wise not to act on emotional impulse. In personal relations, it is better to wait a moment until reason has the opportunity to compete with your emotions. 
Action idea: Write down one thing you will do tomorrow to help you relax more during and after a stressful day.
3. Avoid the unacceptable. Go out of your way to get out of the way of intolerable or perilous behaviors and environments.
Take these examples: When people tailgate you on the freeway, change lanes. When there are loud, obnoxious people next to you at a restaurant, change tables or move locations. When someone is being a Debbie Downer, complaining about this and that, excuse yourself and walk away.
Always be on the alert for negative situations that can be dangerous to your health, personal safety, financial speculation and emotional relationships.

1. Accept the unchangeable. Everything that has happened in your life to this minute is unchangeable. It’s history. The greatest waste of energy is looking back at missed opportunities and lamenting past events.
Grudge collecting, getting even, harboring ill will and vengeful thinking do no good. Success is the only acceptable form of revenge.
By forgiving your trespassers—whoever or whatever they are—you become free to concentrate on going forward with your life and succeeding in spite of those detractors. You will live a rewarding and fulfilling life. Your enemies, on the other hand, will forever wonder how you went on to become so successful without them and in the shadow of their doubts.
Action idea: Write down on a sheet of paper things that happened in the past that bother you. Now crumple the paper into a ball and throw it. Really. This symbolizes letting go of past misfortunes.
2. Change the changeable. Change your reaction to what others say and do, and you can control your own thoughts and actions by dwelling on desired results instead of the penalties of failure.
The only real control you have in life is your immediate thought and action, and because most of what we do is a reflex—a subconscious habit—it’s wise not to act on emotional impulse. In personal relations, it is better to wait a moment until reason has the opportunity to compete with your emotions.
Action idea: Write down one thing you will do tomorrow to help you relax more during and after a stressful day.
3. Avoid the unacceptable. Go out of your way to get out of the way of intolerable or perilous behaviors and environments.
Take these examples: When people tailgate you on the freeway, change lanes. When there are loud, obnoxious people next to you at a restaurant, change tables or move locations. When someone is being a Debbie Downer, complaining about this and that, excuse yourself and walk away.
Always be on the alert for negative situations that can be dangerous to your health, personal safety, financial speculation and emotional relationships.
Action idea: What is one unacceptable habit you or others have that you will avoid starting tomorrow?
- See more at: http://www.success.com/article/3-rules-for-turning-stress-into-success?utm_source=Listrak&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=http%3a%2f%2fwww.success.com%2farticle%2f3-rules-for-turning-stress-into-success&utm_campaign=3+Rules+for+Turning+Stress+into+Success#sthash.omFLZaFI.dpuf

Monday 29 September 2014

The Power of Positive Attitude Can Change Your Life

Positive attitude is the cause of success and happiness.

A positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful.
With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing.
Positive attitude manifests in the following ways:
  • Positive thinking.
  • Constructive thinking.
  • Creative thinking.
  • Optimism.
  • The motivation and energy to do things and accomplish goals.
  • A attitude of happiness.
A positive frame of mind helps in a lot of ways, such as:
  • Expecting success and not failure.
  • It makes you feel inspired.
  • It gives you the strength not to give up, if you encounter obstacles on your way.
  • You regard failure and problems as blessings in disguise.
  • Believing in yourself and in your abilities.>
  • You show more self-esteem and confidence.
  • You look for solutions, instead of dwelling on problems.
  • You see and recognize opportunities.
A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but it also affects your whole environment and the people around you. If this attitude is strong enough, it becomes contagious. It's like radiating light around you.


Friday 26 September 2014

The Science Behind Gratitude (and How It Can Change Your Life)

practicing gratitude

The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems. And gratitude doesn't need to be reserved only for momentous occasions: Sure, you might express gratitude after receiving a promotion at work, but you can also be thankful for something as simple as a delicious piece of pie. Research by UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons, author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, shows that simply keeping a gratitude journal—regularly writing brief reflections on moments for which we’re thankful—can significantly increase well-being and life satisfaction.
You’d think that just one of these findings is compelling enough to motivate an ingrate into action. But if you’re anything like me, this motivation lasts about three days until writing in my gratitude journal every evening loses out to watching stand-up comics on Netflix.
Here are a few keys I’ve discovered—and research supports—that help not only to start a gratitude practice, but to maintain it for the long haul.

Freshen Up Your Thanks

The best way to reap the benefits of gratitude is to notice new things you’re grateful for every day. Gratitude journaling works because it slowly changes the way we perceive situations by adjusting what we focus on. While you might always be thankful for your great family, just writing “I’m grateful for my family” week after week doesn’t keep your brain on alert for fresh grateful moments. Get specific by writing “Today my husband gave me a shoulder rub when he knew I was really stressed” or "My sister invited me over for dinner so I didn't have to cook after a long day." And be sure to stretch yourself beyond the great stuff right in front of you. Opening your eyes to more of the world around you can deeply enhance your gratitude practice. Make a game out of noticing new things each day.

Get Real About Your Gratitude Practice

Being excited about the benefits of gratitude can be a great thing because it gives us the kick we need to start making changes. But if our excitement about sleeping better because of our newfound gratitude keeps us from anticipating how tired we’ll be tomorrow night when we attempt to journal, we’re likely to fumble and lose momentum. When we want to achieve a goal, using the technique of mental contrasting—being optimistic about the benefits of a new habit while also being realistic about how difficult building the habit may be – leads us to exert more effort. Recognize and plan for the obstacles that may get in the way. For instance, if you tend to be exhausted at night, accept that it might not be the best time to focus for a few extra minutes and schedule your gratitude in the morning instead.

Thursday 25 September 2014

WOW Mental Toughness (2 of 2) by Darren Hardy

WOW Mental Toughness (2 of 2)

Muhammad Ali said, “In the big leagues everyone has ability. It always comes down to mind games. Who ever is more mentally strong—wins.”
Life is the “big leagues.”
And that quote is true about life and success.
Everyone has the ABILITY to succeed, but in the end it all comes down to mind games.
Whoever is more mentally strong will win, succeed, and live the life they were meant to live.
To conclude our WOW Mental Toughness series, I want to be sure you walk away with a real understanding of what it is to be mentally strong, with tangible takeaways on exactly HOW you can toughen your mind.
Here’s the deal.
I have bad news and then good news.
Here’s the bad news…
You are mentally WEAK.
We all are.
As humans our minds are weak.
It’s our greatest limiting factor.
It’s our greatest constraint.
It’s the thing that sabotages you the most.
The epic battle of your life will be defeating the natural will of your own mind.
Your body can do WAY more than your mind allows it to do and your potential is FAR greater than your mind wants you to stretch and go for.
If you don’t have the body, strength, life or success you want, it is your mind’s fault.
This might be surprising to you.
You might be thinking,
“Why would my mind do this to me?
Why is it sabotaging me?
Why is it holding me back?”
Well to answer that we have to look at the agenda and self-interest of the mind.
The mind, your brain, has only ONE agenda, which is survivalat all cost.
Survival is its only job, and it takes it very seriously.
But outside that, it has no interest.
And it will work against whatever you are trying to do if it is a threat to its safety or survival.
If you are running, biking up a hill or climbing a mountain, it will tell you to stop and that you can’t go any further or any longer, far before your body’s true limit.
The interesting thing is that in survival mode your brain can get you to finally tap that true capability inside.
The woman who complains to her trainer that the 20-pound dumbbells are too heavy sees her son about to get crushed by a car that has fallen off it’s jack with her son under it, and she lifts it with her bare hands off it’s wheels long enough for the neighbors to come over and pull him out.
The guy who is squeamish about cutting the Thanksgiving turkey gets his arm stuck in a rock formation, and will saw off his arm with a blunt tool to survive.
Even if you get stranded in the cold and hyperthermia starts to set in, your brain will start killing off parts of your body, starting at the extremities to protect the core, all in the attempt to survive.
At the survival game, your mind is awesome.
Outside of survival—your brain is weak, or better stated, simply uninterested and will squash anything that starts to feel like a threat to it’s one and only job function—survival.
Now the good news…
The good news is you can train your mind.
Or better yet, you can hack, trick, manipulate and police your mind into subservience.
In a Mastery course I teach I outline 6 very strategic ways to hack your brain. We don’t have time to cover all of them or in depth but I do want you to walk away with a few things to do and take action on.
The epic battle of your life will be defeating the
 natural will of your own mind.
First, pick your weakness or your issue.
The one you want to become mentally tougher in.
Is it your health, is it in your sales prospecting, is it in how you spend your money, what? Pick your thing. Write it down.
Then the first hack is to scare your brain straight.
Look, you can set all sorts of aspirational goals, hopes, dreams and desires. Those are a snore to your brain. “Who cares” it says. Blah, blah, blah it responds.
But threaten it.
Show it danger.
Spell out dire consequences and you have its full attention and it’s full potential.
This is why I always look for my fight.
It fires up my brain and then it sounds the alarm that rallies all my potential, capabilities and resources to attack this threat.
So start with spelling out the consequences if you don’t change this behavior or habit. Take it out to it’s most dire and terrible consequence and outcome.
You’ll get its attention, and thus powerful potential.
Trust me in that your mind can do some amazing things when it wants to, and it only wants to when its job is threatened and attacked.
Second, I mentioned your mind is emotionally immature.
It is.
It is so easily tempted.
It is so easily manipulated.
This is why blatantly false, manipulative and absurdly fantastical commercials and marketing gimmickry works.
The mind is as emotionally mature as a 6-year-old.
Whatever you can get a 6-year-old to believe, do, and buy into is what commercial marketing can convince your mind of.
There is absolutely no logic to why we consume things like donuts, cupcakes, cookies, fast food, alcohol and tobacco. Those are all emotional, not logical, choices.
Mental toughness is about emotional control. Once you learn to manipulate or control your emotions, then you can control your life and choices.
Whoever is more mentally strong will win, succeed,
and live the life they were meant to live.
So here is how you do it:
Stop fighting it.
You wouldn’t trust your 6-year-old to make important life choices. You shouldn’t trust your mind either. You have to keep those decisions away from your mind.
Here’s some other bad news/good news.

Your mind is also lazy. That’s the bad news.
The good news is you can leverage that laziness.
You can use it AGAINST your mind.
Make it hard, difficult and inconvenient for your mind to do the bad behavior. If bad diet is your thing, remove everything bad out of all your main environments—your house, car, office, wherever you are most of the time and particularly when you get hungry.
Remember Odysseus from Homer’s Odyssey? He knew he’d fail to resist the sirens’ call, so he tied himself to his ship’s mast. You too will fail to resist the sirens’ call.


Tuesday 23 September 2014

Jamie Cullum Live at Java Jazz Festival 2014

Atlas Shrugged,by Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff

This is the story of a man who said that he would stop the motor of the world and did. Was he a destroyer or the greatest of liberators?

Why did he have to fight his battle, not against his enemies, but against those who needed him most, and his hardest battle against the woman he loved? What is the world’s motor — and the motive power of every man? You will know the answer to these questions when you discover the reason behind the baffling events that play havoc with the lives of the characters in this story.

Tremendous in its scope, this novel presents an astounding panorama of human life — from the productive genius who becomes a worthless playboy — to the great steel industrialist who does not know that he is working for his own destruction — to the philosopher who becomes a pirate — to the composer who gives up his career on the night of his triumph — to the woman who runs a transcontinental railroad — to the lowest track worker in her Terminal tunnels.

You must be prepared, when you read this novel, to check every premise at the root of your convictions.

This is a mystery story, not about the murder — and rebirth — of man’s spirit. It is a philosophical revolution, told in the form of an action thriller of violent events, a ruthlessly brilliant plot structure and an irresistible suspense. Do you say this is impossible? Well, that is the first of your premises to check.


Sunday 21 September 2014

WOW Mental Toughness

WOW Mental Toughness (1 of 2)

According to Peter Clough, a leading researcher on mental toughness, mentally tough individuals tend to be sociable, competitive in many situations, and have lower anxiety levels than others.
With a high sense of self-belief and an unshakeable faith that they control their own destiny, these individuals can remain relatively unaffected by competition or adversity.
Those sound like some qualities you’d probably like to be known for too, am I right?
That is what this two-part series is dedicated to helping you with:
Developing WOW Mental Toughness.
So how do we identify mental strength, and what are the components we should look for?
According to research, mental toughness has four components:
Let’s use a couple references to understand these 4 Cs:
One fictional character has inspired generations of people: Bond.
Of course I’m talking about James Bond.
Bond, trained by MI6, is always cool and collected no matter the crazy situations he runs into. He may not be able to control the bad guys but he does control his own actions and you get the sense that he ultimately can control what is happening to him.
How about commitment?
Well I think this one is rather obvious. James Bond serves queen and country, laying his life on the line for his commitment. Much like our troops he will do what is necessary to get the job done because he believes in what he is doing and in those whom he is doing it for.
The third trait is challenge.
This is the tendency to see life’s downs and obstacles as challenges to be met. Bond never succeeds when he first attempts his mission. Some obstacle always gets in his way, but he runs at it every time. Being captured by the enemy might make lesser mentally tough people give up but Bond is constantly crafty and always looking for a way out or how he can turn the challenge to his advantage.
The fourth and final component of mental toughness is confidence.
Well, Bond just reeks of confidence. It’s part of his whole suave, debonair and virile attraction. A cinematic icon for over 50 years, James Bond is also a great representation of mental toughness.
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Now let’s take a look at a real-life tough guy, Peyton Manning.
Manning’s mental discipline and strength is legendary. He isn’t necessarily the best quarterback of all time, or even the best athlete, but that doesn’t stop him from constantly striving to be better and doing so using mental toughness. Peyton definitely demonstrates each of the elements of mental toughness.
First control: No matter what happens on that field during a game you never see Manning overreact like so many other players. He’s very Bond—calm, cool and collected. You can see him thinking about how to handle the situation and take control on the gridiron.
Peyton’s commitment is legendary. I’ve seen it firsthand as he lives and works out in my building in South Beach Miami. He maintains his health and works at it constantly so that he can give every game and every throw his all. In the gym or on the field, he commits himself beyond the expectation. He is there before everyone else and long after.
Peyton Manning has faced his fair share of challenges as a pro football player. Hurt for an entire season because of a neck injury, he endured several surgeries. Yet even when everyone said this would be the end of his career, he came back stronger than ever. His injuries might have been an obstacle, but instead of seeing them as a threat to his commitment he saw them as a challenge that he could work to overcome.
The final trait of mental toughness that Peyton Manning displays is confidence. Like James Bond, Manning exudes a belief in himself and his abilities. Win or lose, he has the strength and confidence of mind to know he has the skills to meet his goals.
James Bond and Peyton Manning are just two societal examples of mentally tough people. There are many more fictional and nonfictional people who demonstrate qualities we identify as mental strength.
What we need to look at now is if we can identify those traits in ourselves. You might think people are born mentally tough but they aren’t. Like anything it comes through experience and hard work.
No one is born mentally tough.
It comes from experience, grit and hard work.
Sure some mentally strong people are that way because they have faced unimaginable hardships in their lives. Their mental toughness is a means of coping with that and preparing for it to happen again.
The truth is, though, that we each experience our own types of hardships; it is how we handle them that define our mental toughness.

Saturday 20 September 2014

15 Motivational Quotes About Strength & Personal Greatness

Quotes about strength, power and life! Live strong! Give strong! Fuel your mind and power with greatness! We all need a boost from time to time when things get tough. Of course, we would love it to come from within all the time – but is that really possible? We are social beings and our ability […]

The post 15 Motivational Quotes About Strength & Personal Greatness appeared first on Everyday Power.

Source: Everyday Power

Café del Mar Ibiza Chillout Mix April 2013

Friday 19 September 2014

How people realize what to do in life

 How people realize what to do in life!


To read more, please visit: http://everydaypowerblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/how-people-realize-what-to-do-in-life.png


abilities ability accomplishments achieving your goals achieving your potential action alone time anergy any goal worth achieving requires effort attitudes attract great talent and keep staff excited authority in any niche avoiding mistakes bad decisions bad habits bad moods are choice balance balanced life basics of online business bath be grateful be happy beginning of love being alive being excited believe benchmark effect better leader big thinker bills blossom boost confidence brand alchemist brilliant build a relationship with a leader build a super-successful startup build strong team building relationships and making connections for many years calm Care career CEO material challenge choice choices circle of true friends client collected comfort zone comfortable in your own skin communicate company's success compliment confidence confidently delegate things connections consistency consistent Continual learning control your emotions cool core belief corporate goals courage courtesy create affinity create your own success creating great frst impressions with potential clients daily goals decision-making mistakes defy the odds desired results destiny determination develop network direct your energy towards success discipline discovery disgrace do my best every single day doing good don't be afraid to reward yourself dream come true dreams drive emotional reaction emotionally invested employee engagement empowering energy energy and passion enough time enthusiastic entrepreneurial aspirations entrepreneurial journey Entrepreneurs everyday commute excitement of living eye contact fabulous failure failures fear feel inspired feeling stronger feelings financial capacity find out how to do it finding fulfillment focus focus on getting ahead food forgive and let go forgiving forward direction freedom full-time job future garden get more accomplished before breakfast give him a chance giving back goal going forward with your life good impression good manners gratitudes Great bosses great relationships great things greatest gift Greatest Headlines Ever Written growing physically growth experience gym habit happier happiness happy head high health health insurance healthy lifestyle heart help motivate someone else helping people hope house extension how to make a man fall in love with you ideas imagination important dreams improvement increase your knowledge infuse hope in other human beings inspirational inspire inspiring quotes instructions for our subconscious mind to carry out integrity Internet entrepreneur internet startups intimacy job with a good salary at a successful company keep it keeping track of important tasks Kim Kardashian knowledge labor of love lead yourself in a positive learn learn to trust yourself lessons letting go of past misfortunes leverage their knowledge life life changing light listening skills live life long weekend in Barcelona longer life losing motivation loss of faith love love it lover of life low overheads maintain success make friends make me happy make perfect decisions management management and leadership marketing master maximaze your potential maximize your weekend productivity MBA meaningful mentally and spiritually milestones mind mind games mistakes money more important morning habits motivation motivation to fight motivational behavior motive power of every man multitasking habit need to learn negative thinking network Neville Goddard new skill to master obstacles offer possible solutions online business opportunities opportunity overcoming fear panorama of human life parent passion passionate about your product past path to happiness patience pay your mortgage people perfect connection permission persistence personal growth perspective physical and mental health plan planned and purposeful Poor decisions position yourself to win positive positive emotions positive mindset Positive self image positively kick-start a new relationship potential powerful and confident thoughts powerfull beyond measure practice prepared present procrastinating productivity professional life project purpose pushing through fear quickly get back in the game real connection real-time feedback and guidance recognize refocus on your outcome rejection rejuvenation relax relaxation remain calm and in control remove the things that holds us back Repeated practice respectful treatment rest and recover results right direction save scandal self believe self confidence self improvement self mastery self-defeating and sabotaging thought patterns self-esteem self-reliance serve people set yourself up to success sexier shape our behavior shared sharpen your focus on the goal of being happy. shifting awareness shopping short videos Single-minded devotion to the purpose skills sleep smart leaders smile specific goals spiritual and self improvement spiritual warrior component start again starting a business stay stop settling strenght strong character strong communicators stronger substantial progress success successfull women sunshine support support your goals and objectives take breaks from working talented tangible focus task test thankfull the root of your convictions time toughen your mind toxic people train your mind train your mind to focus transform transparency and trust triumphs true desie trust levels Trust your instincts trusting yourself try tweak unique experience unproductive uplifting wallet thick and heart happy ways to achieve any goal wealthy people habits weight control willingness to change win wisdom wishes fulfilled work hours work well with partners working from home wrong people you are at peace you can control your mind and choices Zen