Tuesday 27 October 2015

"Copy this Idea" book now for FREE - every internet entrepreneur must read!

There are a few reasons why I really like “Copy this Idea” book and why I think it’s a must read  – first of all – its not a “how to book” but simply a little book laying out a way of doing business from home or any place in the world using only laptop and internet connection. The book is NOT- a business book full of complicated five year forecast, business buzzwords and phrases and you don’t need MBA to be able to read and understand it.

Second reason I love it so much is that it does explain  the  basics of an online business that can be set up and run from home or any other place – at the time that best suit us. The book is showing a business model we can copy and the good news is we do the work ONCE.
It shows us a totally different lifestyle where you are not trapped by the bills, every day commute, working hours of the dry cleaners and the supermarket. A life where we can enjoy walks on the beach with mum and dad, school plays of the kids, that house extension we are planning  and the long weekend in Barcelona!

Third reason I kept reading till the end – its been said and proven that  85% of homebased business SUCCEED – and a lot of that success has to do with keeping costs low& doing everything on a shoestring. Low start up costs – low overheads.
And finally - here is what the book is about – a business system where we can buy something for 5 pounds and sell for 50 as many times and we want! How brilliant is this!

This is the system you can copy – starting NOW!. 

The really good news about the book  – it’s yours for FREE( including few very nice bonuses for only 1 pound against the postage)
Grab your copy NOW! – http://tiny.cc/gee 

Photos below are showing my copy( including bonuses) and also shaking hands with the author of the book - very nice and down to earth person!

Monday 10 August 2015

5 Attributes of “A Player” Entrepreneurs

5 Attributes of “A Player” Entrepreneurs

5 Attributes of
No one becomes an entrepreneur hoping to be mediocre. So what makes an entrepreneur, an A Player?
Over the last few years I’ve studied and interviewed hundreds of “A Player” entrepreneurs at the top of their field. “I noticed that the dynamic range between what an average person could accomplish and what the best person could accomplish was 50 or 100 to 1.Given that, you’re well advised to go after the cream of the cream … A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players.” – Jay Elliott author of Leading Apple With Steve Jobs.

From selling hot dogs to owning a boutique hotel on the Las Vegas Strip, all of the entrepreneurs I talked to had these 5 traits in common:

1. “A Players” take MASSIVE action

Most people don’t take action at all and if they do, they try one or two things, fail and then give up entirely. “A players” are different, they know that if they keep putting in the work, they’ll inevitably become successful, so they keep going.
“I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work” – Thomas Edison

2. “A Players” know their strengths

B and C level entrepreneurs micro-manage and waste time and energy on tasks that are not their core competency. “A Players” know exactly what it is they do that creates value for their business and they free up as much of their time to focus on that activity as possible.

3. “A Players” communicate the right way

A big hurdle for a lot of entrepreneurs is being able to communicate the right way. A lot of the time entrepreneurs steamroll others or are not able to explain things correctly to others which leads to them having to take on even more work themselves. “A Player” entrepreneurs know that they need to balance out their strong authoritative work communication with warm, compassionate caring about their employees, vendors and most importantly customers.

4. “A Players” course correct

When B or C level entrepreneurs run into obstacles, like their marketing not working as well as it once did or a problem with their product, they continue to do the same things. “A Player” entrepreneurs know when they run into problems, it’s time to tweak and test.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” – Albert Einstein

5. “A Players” practice self care

B and C level entrepreneurs let their business consume their lives.  “A Player” entrepreneurs take care of themselves physically, mentally and emotionally. “A Players” know that it’s energy, not time, which is our most important resource as an entrepreneur. So they make sure that they take care of themselves every day to prevent burnout and build healthy habits to support the tremendous amount of energy necessary for running your own business.

“A Players” are the entrepreneurs who succeed, not only in creating amazing businesses but amazing lives as well.

If you’re serious about becoming an “A Player” entrepreneur, adopt these 5 attributes and success will follow!

 More at: http://addicted2success.com/entrepreneur-profile/5-attributes-of-a-player-entrepreneurs/

Friday 22 May 2015

How To Make $25 Million By The Age of 27 – Jack Delosa

Jack Delosa Aussie Entrepreneur Millionaire 

Australian Entrepreneur, Investor & Author,  Jack Delosa has amassed a net worth of $25 Million at the age of 27.
Jack has rubbed shoulders with Richard Branson, coached 10’s of 1000’s of business owners and startups around the world and launched a best selling book called “Unprofessional” that shows business owners how to succeed in the ever changing landscape of investment, startups and marketing in this day and age.
Jacks company The Entourage has led more than 60,000 business owners in the right direction for producing results and increasing revenue within their new or struggling startups.
Jack will be featured in The Top 100 Australians Under 40 “Young Rich List” in the Business Review Weekly this year, representing one of the fastest growing sectors, “Education”.

Jack Delosa’s 3 Keys To Standout From The Crowd

1. Educate yourself – Don’t rely on Uni or School
2. Find your strengths and do what you love
3. Make mistakes and pursue failure

More at:http://addicted2success.com/podcasts/how-to-make-25-million-by-the-age-of-27-jack-delosa/


Monday 18 May 2015

10 Action Steps To Help Restore Your Energy

10 Action Steps To Help Restore Your Energy
How many times have we kicked ourselves after making a decision that drained our energy?
These include overeating, skipping the gym, watching too much late-night TV, and too many negative thoughts (just to name a few).
The key to performing at our peak energy level is to identify exactly what’s sucking the life out of us. Armed with that knowledge, we make the decision to live a life of absolute exuberance.
So, what are the biggest energy drains? More important, how can we combat them? I’m glad you asked!

1. Negativity and thoughts

Our own negative thoughts will eventually have us playing the victim in the game of life, as if we’ve been slighted or unlucky.
And then there are the negative external influences all around us that we receive from news outlets and friends who gossip.
These thoughts are wasted opportunities. We could be using our mental energy in more positive ways! Always remember that we have only a finite number of thoughts each day.
Make every one count.
The people around us can influence our visions in ways that will eventually have us believing we’re average people. Don’t get me wrong, we should all know how to function in social settings, and we shouldn’t get so lofty about our goals that everyone runs from us.
Yet always remember that the thinking that got us where we are today is likely not the same thinking we need to use to move to the next highest level. Know your vision, and don’t accept that your plans include conforming to someone else’s limited beliefs.
How you can take action: Share your goals. Communicate your vision to those around you. They’ll naturally cling, run away, or eventually understand why you have cut back the amount of time you spend with them.
If you don’t plan your life, someone else will. Rather than passively watching the daily news, choose those media outlets that align with your vision and your life plans.
“What’s easy to do – is also easy not to do.” – Jim Rohn

2. Brain clutter

Excessive brain clutter will eventually drain us. Is it the uncompleted to-do list?
David Allen, time-management legend and author of Getting Things Done, says get rid of brain clutter.
How you can take action: A goal without a “due by” date is just a wish draining your mind. Dump the brain clutter onto paper, discard it, or schedule it so it gets done.

3. Information overload

Where is the information overload in your life? Is it the number of Facebook updates, emails, text messages, or requests by people around you?
How you can take action: Cut back on how many times a day you check information feeds. Shut them all down when there’s a task at hand. This alone action teaches ongoing discipline, and productivity increases as a result!
I recommend setting a timer for the task at hand so that messaging doesn’t interfere with your productivity. When the timer goes off, take a break and check on necessary updates. Handy timers are usually installed on phones and computers.

4. Focusing on the past

One of my favorite motivating quotes is, “The past is a cashed check.” Focusing excessively on our past mistakes won’t change anything at all.
There’s nothing wrong with reflecting on the past and reliving the pain of a mistake in moderation, but focus most of your attention on not repeating that error in the future.
Staring into the rearview mirror is a sure way to wreck future plans! Instead, shift your energy to what lies ahead.
How you can take action:  Accept the past but focus on the future.
 “I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down.” – Abraham Lincoln

 5Lack of mental rest

Excessive use of your brain is similar to overworking a muscle. Without proper rest, it eventually becomes depleted.
Darren Hardy from Success.com says he should be paid for resting as much as he is for producing. Proper rest is what determines our level of performance when our brain is called upon.
How you can take action: Mental rest doesn’t mean we should watch a movie or listen to a podcast. Mental rest means meditation, exercise, or simply doing something that requires minimal effort by one’s mind. Read affirmations or positive quotes, play a pickup game, or go for a walk with a positive friend.

6. Overeating

If you can’t do anything else when it comes to your health, control the amount of food you eat at one sitting.
Digesting food is one of the body’s most intensive and energy-consuming tasks.
If you’re lacking energy because your body is overwhelmed by the job of digestion, you won’t be able to think, read, communicate, make wise decisions, or exercise at optimal levels.
How you can take action: Never overfill your plate. Get up from the table when you have eaten just enough. Fill your plate with greens so that if you overeat, at least the food will have provided you with the proper nutrients; in addition, it’s much harder to overeat green foods.
“Activity without purpose is the drain to a life of fulfillment.” – Tony Robbins

7. Sugar spikes

A sugar spike drains energy because it creates an imbalance of sugar levels, and I promise you that artificial sweeteners are not an alternative to sugar.
Remember too that when we work out, sugar is burned before fat, so the less sugar there is to burn, the faster our bodies begin to tap into burning fat.
How you can take action: If you have a healthy diet in place, your sugar cravings should diminish. Eat a healthy diet filled with greens (kale, spinach, broccoli and green beans).

8. Processed foods

Processed foods are exactly what they indicate unnatural. Something in these foods has been modified, and as a result, manufacturers have scaled back nutrients you need for your brain as well as your body to function properly.
How you can take action: As always, opt for fresh greens and vegetables, fresh fruits (in moderation), lean meat and fish (there’s a reason it’s called brain food), and foods with high alkalinity. Remember, you can’t place a dollar value on how you feel, so try to put your diet before many things.

9. Dehydration

Most of us know that dehydration is what causes the body to break down both mentally and physically.
How you can take action: Drink a tall glass of water FIRST thing in the morning, and it will likely hold you over for the first 3 hours of your day. Drink a medium-large glass every two hours thereafter. Drink more water 30 minutes before and after meals; this helps with digestion too!
How you can take even more action: Understand the vicious cycle that an unhealthy lifestyle can have on your life. For example, if you eat poorly but work out, you are limiting your progress and “chasing your tail” as you try to reach your results. Positive balance and consistency are the keys to success.

10. Not knowing your sleeping pattern

Paying attention to your biological clock allows you to rest better and more productively.
How you can take action: If you don’t do anything right when it comes to sleep, at least aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time, says Michael Breus, clinical psychologist and author of The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan.
  Everything adds up. Remember what Jim Rohn says, “What’s easy to do – is also easy not to do.” If every mistake has a domino effect, then so does every positive action.
Raise your standards by standing guard to the factors that are draining your mind.
Doing so will increase your focus, productivity, and confidence, and you will feel enabled to make the right decisions. Do the small things consistently when it comes to your health.
Steer clear of energy-draining habits, and you will ultimately achieve or even exceed your goals!

What is the one thing you most need to start doing?
What is the one thing you most need to stop doing?
What is the one thing that you would add to this list?

More at:http://addicted2success.com/life/10-action-steps-to-help-restore-your-energy/

Monday 11 May 2015

8 Inspiring Tips From Successful Women Entrepreneurs

Female Entrepreneur

In today’s world where business acumen, creativity, and innovativeness shape the landscape of any business. Women with different backgrounds have proven time and time again that being a successful woman entrepreneur is possible.
Their success stories have shown how a simple dream can be realized and turned into a huge success. For those of you who are also aspiring to succeed as an entrepreneur, there are so many things that you can learn from these amazing women.
Here are 8 things to live by if you want to be a successful woman entrepreneur:

1. It all starts with an idea

The most successful entrepreneurs started out with having an idea in mind. Whether it is a kind of product they want to create or a service that is not yet being offered in the market, everything starts with an idea.
The ability to transform that idea into a business is what sets everything in motion.
So, explore.Be creative and innovative.
According to Sheila Marcela, founder of Care.com, “thinking in terms of evolution is essential.”

2. Do not be afraid of failure

Once failure sets in, you will never be able to have the courage to pursue what you have always wanted and imagined to do.
By letting failure get the best of you, no matter how great your business idea is, you have already set your path to failure.
For only the bold and the risk takers can succeed in this highly competitive world. As such, you should never be afraid of trying.
Do not let your fear of failure come to mind.
One of the youngest- female billionaires in America, Sara Blakely who is the founder of Spanx says that, “It is always important to make mistakes.”
The biggest mistake that you will ever make if you are an aspiring entrepreneur is to allow fear of failure to achieve your goals.
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” – Paulo Coelho

3. You need to believe and have faith

In running a business, you will encounter a series of ups and downs. From initial success to losses and other challenges, these things are all part of the business process.
No matter how rough the road is, you just have to keep that faith and believe that despite the odds, you will make it through.
The Chairman, CEO and Designer of Tory Burch LLC, believes that “You can have it all. You just have to know it’s going to work.”
When you believe that everything can be done, everything is possible.

4. Be independent

Who says that women have to rely on men just to succeed in their respective fields?
What these successful women entrepreneurs tell us is that you should never be afraid to have your own independence and have the ability to pursue your passion and your business goals.
Famous designer Diane Von Furstenberg says that “she is the woman who has always wanted to be independent and who could pay for her own bills and have her life the way she wants it.” Eventually she’s become that woman.

More at:http://addicted2success.com/entrepreneur-profile/8-inspiring-tips-from-successful-women-entrepreneurs/

Saturday 9 May 2015

A Mompreneur’s 3 Tips to Succeed in Business and Parenting

A Mompreneur’s 3 Tips to Succeed in Business and Parenting - See more at: http://www.success.com/article/a-mompreneurs-3-tips-to-succeed-in-business-and-parenting#sthash.6eReO5PD.dpuf

Leana Greene, creator of KidsInTheHouse.com and mother of three, shares ways for finding balance.
Jesus Jimenez
Anyone juggling children and a career knows that being a parent is like a second full-time job. Finding time for both business meetings and soccer practices can get difficult, which leaves even less time—or no time at all—to catch up on ways to be a better mom or dad.

This dilemma inspired Leana Greene—a mother of three from Santa Monica, Calif.—to create KidsInTheHouse.com, an educational website aimed at helping people improve their parenting skills by inspiring, educating and entertaining through short videos.

“Parents want to do a good job at being parents more than anything else in their lives,” Greene says. “But it’s hard finding time to read all of the great books after you’ve been a parent all day and have also gone to work. I wanted to create a quick and easy way for parents to get answers to their questions and concerns from the best experts in the world.”

Today Kids in the House has more than 8,000 videos featuring more than 450 parenting experts.
Constantly trying to improve her business, Greene is an active member of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization. “Being a member has given me inspiration to come up with new things and has been a way for me to get advice and solve problems,” Greene says. “As an entrepreneur, you always have to try and reinvent yourself and do better.”
By the end of 2015, Greene plans to launch a subscription portion of the website that will provide longer, more in-depth content.
Here the CEO of Kids In The House shares advice for succeeding professionally and as a parent.

1. Your “to-do” list is always going to be too long. Prioritize it.

2. Have a special date with each child every week to ensure that you stay connected with your kids as individuals. You can keep it really simple, but they will still appreciate it.

3. Be organized. For example, try to schedule all of the kids at the dentist or doctor at the same time. Little things like this will save you time.

- See more at: http://www.success.com/article/a-mompreneurs-3-tips-to-succeed-in-business-and-parenting#sthash.6eReO5PD.dpuf

Leana Greene, creator of KidsInTheHouse.com and mother of three, shares ways for finding balance.
Jesus Jimenez - See more at: http://www.success.com/article/a-mompreneurs-3-tips-to-succeed-in-business-and-parenting#sthash.6eReO5PD.dpuf
A Mompreneur’s 3 Tips to Succeed in Business and Parenting - See more at: http://www.success.com/article/a-mompreneurs-3-tips-to-succeed-in-business-and-parenting#sthash.6eReO5PD.dpuf

Thursday 7 May 2015

Rohn: 4 Powerful Little Words That Make Life Worthwhile

Rohn: 4 Powerful Little Words That Make Life Worthwhile

What difference can you make in your life today by putting these words to work?
Jim Rohn - See more at: http://www.success.com/article/rohn-4-powerful-little-words-that-make-life-worthwhile#sthash.tYNGzVfp.dpuf

Rohn: 4 Powerful Little Words That Make Life Worthwhile
What difference can you make in your life today by putting these words to work?
Jim Rohn
You’ve no doubt heard the phrase, a muscle never stretched never grows. The big challenge we all face is how to become all that we can be. That’s why the late Jim Rohn often said,“You can have more because you can become more—and unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got.”
And he’s right. You know how good it feels to maximize your own potential and stretch yourself to the limit. In this excerpt from a 2001 presentation by Jim Rohn to thousands, the motivational thought leader shares four powerful words that can make living worthwhile:
1. Life is worthwhile if you LEARN.

You have to have learning to exist, let alone succeed. What you don’t know will hurt you. So you have to learn from your own experiences—negative or positive. We learn to do it right by first sometimes doing it wrong—we call that a positive negative. We also learn from other people’s experiences, both positive and negative, too. I’ve always said that it is too bad failures don’t give seminars. Obviously, we don’t want to pay them so they aren’t usually touring around giving seminars. But that information would be very valuable—we would learn how someone who had it all messed it up. Learning from other people’s adventures and mistakes is valuable information because we can learn what not to do without the pain of having tried and failed ourselves.
We learn by what we see, so pay attention. We learn by what we hear, so be a good listener. (Now, I do suggest that you should be a selective listener; don’t just let anybody dump into your mental factory.) We learn from what we read, so open a book (or two or three). Learn from lectures. Learn from songs. Learn from sermons. Learn from conversations with people who care. Always keep learning.
Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.
2. Life is worthwhile if you TRY. 

You can’t just learn. Now you have to try something to see if you can do it. Try to make a difference. Try to make some progress. Try to learn a new skill, or a new sport. It doesn’t mean you can do everything, but there are a lot of things you can do, if you just try. Why not go all out? Try your best. Give it every effort.
How long should you try? Until.

3. Life is worthwhile if you STAY.
You have to stay from spring until harvest. What does that mean? If you have signed up for the day or for the game or for the project, see it through. Sometimes calamity comes and then it is worth wrapping it up—and that’s the end. But just don’t end in the middle. Maybe on the next project you pass, but on this one, if you signed up, stay until it’s finished—and always leave it better than you found it.
Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you’ve signed up for a season, see it through. You don’t have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through.
4. Life is worthwhile if you CARE.

If you care at all, you will get some results. If you care enough, you can get incredible results. Care enough to make a difference. Care enough to turn somebody around. Care enough to start a new enterprise. Care enough to change it all. Care enough to be the highest producer. Care enough to set some records. Care enough to win.
The more you care, the stronger you can be.

- See more at: http://www.success.com/article/rohn-4-powerful-little-words-that-make-life-worthwhile#sthash.tYNGzVfp.dpuf

You’ve no doubt heard the phrase, a muscle never stretched never grows. The big challenge we all face is how to become all that we can be. That’s why the late Jim Rohn often said,“You can have more because you can become more—and unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got.”
And he’s right. You know how good it feels to maximize your own potential and stretch yourself to the limit. In this excerpt from a 2001 presentation by Jim Rohn to thousands, the motivational thought leader shares four powerful words that can make living worthwhile:
1. Life is worthwhile if you LEARN.
You have to have learning to exist, let alone succeed. What you don’t know will hurt you. So you have to learn from your own experiences—negative or positive. We learn to do it right by first sometimes doing it wrong—we call that a positive negative. We also learn from other people’s experiences, both positive and negative, too. I’ve always said that it is too bad failures don’t give seminars. Obviously, we don’t want to pay them so they aren’t usually touring around giving seminars. But that information would be very valuable—we would learn how someone who had it all messed it up. Learning from other people’s adventures and mistakes is valuable information because we can learn what not to do without the pain of having tried and failed ourselves.
We learn by what we see, so pay attention. We learn by what we hear, so be a good listener. (Now, I do suggest that you should be a selective listener; don’t just let anybody dump into your mental factory.) We learn from what we read, so open a book (or two or three). Learn from lectures. Learn from songs. Learn from sermons. Learn from conversations with people who care. Always keep learning.
Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.
2. Life is worthwhile if you TRY.
You can’t just learn. Now you have to try something to see if you can do it. Try to make a difference. Try to make some progress. Try to learn a new skill, or a new sport. It doesn’t mean you can do everything, but there are a lot of things you can do, if you just try. Why not go all out? Try your best. Give it every effort.
How long should you try? Until.
3. Life is worthwhile if you STAY.
You have to stay from spring until harvest. What does that mean? If you have signed up for the day or for the game or for the project, see it through. Sometimes calamity comes and then it is worth wrapping it up—and that’s the end. But just don’t end in the middle. Maybe on the next project you pass, but on this one, if you signed up, stay until it’s finished—and always leave it better than you found it.
Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you’ve signed up for a season, see it through. You don’t have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through.
4. Life is worthwhile if you CARE.
If you care at all, you will get some results. If you care enough, you can get incredible results. Care enough to make a difference. Care enough to turn somebody around. Care enough to start a new enterprise. Care enough to change it all. Care enough to be the highest producer. Care enough to set some records. Care enough to win.
The more you care, the stronger you can be.
- See more at: http://www.success.com/article/rohn-4-powerful-little-words-that-make-life-worthwhile#sthash.tYNGzVfp.dpuf


abilities ability accomplishments achieving your goals achieving your potential action alone time anergy any goal worth achieving requires effort attitudes attract great talent and keep staff excited authority in any niche avoiding mistakes bad decisions bad habits bad moods are choice balance balanced life basics of online business bath be grateful be happy beginning of love being alive being excited believe benchmark effect better leader big thinker bills blossom boost confidence brand alchemist brilliant build a relationship with a leader build a super-successful startup build strong team building relationships and making connections for many years calm Care career CEO material challenge choice choices circle of true friends client collected comfort zone comfortable in your own skin communicate company's success compliment confidence confidently delegate things connections consistency consistent Continual learning control your emotions cool core belief corporate goals courage courtesy create affinity create your own success creating great frst impressions with potential clients daily goals decision-making mistakes defy the odds desired results destiny determination develop network direct your energy towards success discipline discovery disgrace do my best every single day doing good don't be afraid to reward yourself dream come true dreams drive emotional reaction emotionally invested employee engagement empowering energy energy and passion enough time enthusiastic entrepreneurial aspirations entrepreneurial journey Entrepreneurs everyday commute excitement of living eye contact fabulous failure failures fear feel inspired feeling stronger feelings financial capacity find out how to do it finding fulfillment focus focus on getting ahead food forgive and let go forgiving forward direction freedom full-time job future garden get more accomplished before breakfast give him a chance giving back goal going forward with your life good impression good manners gratitudes Great bosses great relationships great things greatest gift Greatest Headlines Ever Written growing physically growth experience gym habit happier happiness happy head high health health insurance healthy lifestyle heart help motivate someone else helping people hope house extension how to make a man fall in love with you ideas imagination important dreams improvement increase your knowledge infuse hope in other human beings inspirational inspire inspiring quotes instructions for our subconscious mind to carry out integrity Internet entrepreneur internet startups intimacy job with a good salary at a successful company keep it keeping track of important tasks Kim Kardashian knowledge labor of love lead yourself in a positive learn learn to trust yourself lessons letting go of past misfortunes leverage their knowledge life life changing light listening skills live life long weekend in Barcelona longer life losing motivation loss of faith love love it lover of life low overheads maintain success make friends make me happy make perfect decisions management management and leadership marketing master maximaze your potential maximize your weekend productivity MBA meaningful mentally and spiritually milestones mind mind games mistakes money more important morning habits motivation motivation to fight motivational behavior motive power of every man multitasking habit need to learn negative thinking network Neville Goddard new skill to master obstacles offer possible solutions online business opportunities opportunity overcoming fear panorama of human life parent passion passionate about your product past path to happiness patience pay your mortgage people perfect connection permission persistence personal growth perspective physical and mental health plan planned and purposeful Poor decisions position yourself to win positive positive emotions positive mindset Positive self image positively kick-start a new relationship potential powerful and confident thoughts powerfull beyond measure practice prepared present procrastinating productivity professional life project purpose pushing through fear quickly get back in the game real connection real-time feedback and guidance recognize refocus on your outcome rejection rejuvenation relax relaxation remain calm and in control remove the things that holds us back Repeated practice respectful treatment rest and recover results right direction save scandal self believe self confidence self improvement self mastery self-defeating and sabotaging thought patterns self-esteem self-reliance serve people set yourself up to success sexier shape our behavior shared sharpen your focus on the goal of being happy. shifting awareness shopping short videos Single-minded devotion to the purpose skills sleep smart leaders smile specific goals spiritual and self improvement spiritual warrior component start again starting a business stay stop settling strenght strong character strong communicators stronger substantial progress success successfull women sunshine support support your goals and objectives take breaks from working talented tangible focus task test thankfull the root of your convictions time toughen your mind toxic people train your mind train your mind to focus transform transparency and trust triumphs true desie trust levels Trust your instincts trusting yourself try tweak unique experience unproductive uplifting wallet thick and heart happy ways to achieve any goal wealthy people habits weight control willingness to change win wisdom wishes fulfilled work hours work well with partners working from home wrong people you are at peace you can control your mind and choices Zen